Miami Herald Monthly Recap: May

It has already been two weeks since I began my internship at The Miami Herald and I have had an utter blast. The people, the culture, the nightlife, the food and the beach make the city of Miami one of the best places to work as a photographer.


The Herald pushes video very hard. I've shot nine pieces in the past 10 days of work. I have begun to learn how to "double dip" and balance shooting stills for a gallery and making enough clips to put together a 1:15 minute video piece. So I have attached a few short videos to go along with the stills.

Video by Logan Riely | The Miami Herald
Video by Logan Riely | The Miami Herald


I haven't had one dull assignment and I am slowly remembering Spanish phrases that I learned in 8th grade. Here are a few images from the first month of work.